Paree Rohera

Rhode Island School of Design


Rapunzel, Rapunzel, 2023, oil and acrylic on canvas, 17 x 17 inches


As a painter from Mumbai, India, currently pursuing a BFA in painting at the Rhode Island School of Design, I immerse myself in the chaos of Mumbai, finding its beauty unparalleled. The constant journey between India and the U.S. fuels my inspiration and introspection, shaping my artistic practice. I explore the concept of beauty in the negative, delving into insecurities prevalent in the South Asian community, both physical and mental. Through vibrant hues and intricate patterns, I transform these themes into visually captivating narratives on canvas. My caricatures serve as vessels for storytelling, increasingly reflecting aspects of my own identity, challenging conventional notions of beauty through exaggerated features and ornate Indian ornamentation. Blurring the lines between caricature and self-portraiture, my work merges personal identity with cultural imagery, offering a glimpse into the complexities of the human experience.

Instagram | @pareerohera

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