Larry Li
University of Southern California
Idols Through Time, 2018
oil and collaged fliers on canvas, 36 x 48 inches
Tell us about the work that you have submitted.
This piece interprets a 1976 photograph of students mourning the death of Chairman Mao, juxtaposed with fliers for the 2018 music festival, Head in the Clouds, by Asian hip-hop record label 88rising. Illustrating the differences between the Asian youth through the passage of time and war defines a generation.
How would you describe your studio practice?
My practice is rooted in the investigation of my own cultural identity as a Chinese American, and exploring the nuances included in that specific narrative. Using figure painting as the backbone to my process while experimenting with collaged objects to continually contrast and push those ideas in my work.
How do you approach your work?
I approach my work through the lens of cultural contrast, whether conceptually or materially. I believe artists are able to find connections between things in life that are often overlooked. My work combines and juxtaposes those things and relates them back to my existence as both Chinese and American.
Instagram: @larryli_official